Saturday, April 11, 2009



Good Friday and Easter marks the most important day in Christianity, even more important than Christmas. The whole doctrine is based on this day because without the redemption, we can't call ourselves free. I have a wish. Who says only Christmas can have wishes?

I wish...

that as me and my friends remember this day,
remembering the nail pierced hands,
the pain that He went through,
carrying the Cross along Via Dolorosa
Remembering His sweat and the blood shed for us.

And as some of us took the bread and drank the wine,
I hope that we think about our relationship with Him,
to some what's left might be little
many of which are broken, shaky. me included

It pains Him, I know.

It pains myself.
to myself and my friends, the sight of that
letting ourselves claim sovereignty.

Digusted yet weak

Ipray that we, me and my friends, could mend it back together
yes together, a war against the world, against ourselves.
coming together for a revival, for us.
hungry and thirsty
giving up control and letting go

and we will pray


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