Tuesday, March 31, 2009


we saw Jaime Y at PLAYGROUND 2 days back with her "new" angmo boyfriend and their dog.(i meant glenn's and jamie's). They were getting supper at Carl's Jr, we were having ours too. Only her beau went in to get the takeaway while she waited by her car, a white Z4 that was easily recognisable in a carpark that was almost barren,plus her car was feature in 8 days a few months back. Hmm, why didn't she come in? Was it because of the crowd? or her dog? If I had my camera, I might have secretly taken some photos. Seriously right, on a conservative front, it seems that both parties found new lovers almost instantly. This is what the papers and magazines say, but my take is that they might be sleeping on seperate beds like years before they FINALLY formalise their divorce, probably only sleeping together when there's a need.

And it might look like a rebound, but how can love be measured by time? Couples might still be together for the sake of something(house, kids, convenience, sex) but love was already long gone between them. Some get married after like ONLY 3 months and I ask, why the delay when you found the right one. People delay because they have yet to find the right one and too lazy to come out of their comfort (saving money is an excuse). I know there's a one for me, haven't found mine yet but I can already imagine.


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