Thursday, November 01, 2007

Dim Sum Buffet- Survival of the Fittest?

Haha, finally had our long-awaited Dim Sum buffet at chinatown yesterday. The moment we sat down, we started eating. Ferociously. Some had kept an empty stomach, waiting to devour whatever the kitchen has. The table was constantly filled with dishes and we ensured that it was always the case, a pretty magnificent sight! Then came the annoying waiter, reminding us that if we had leftovers, we would have to be charged. I saw that as a challenge posed, determined not to be undermined, I decided to order even more, stretching our limits and showing that bugger we are not to be trifled. Suddenly, his sneaky eyes kept eyeing on our table, just waiting for the chance to attack us with the bill. Some had already given up while others like me kept fort. I knew I just had to perserve and is a battle of mental strength. Til the moment he seems convinced(luckily, cause everyone seems like they are going to burst), then we decided to call it a day. Apart from the horrid service from the 'tiongs'(one asked me to talk to her hand, how rude), and eating what those villagers can eat in a week, we had a good time eating, making jokes trigger the stomach. As we struggle back, seems like deja vu, like the feeling of getting drunk.


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