Sunday, January 28, 2007

Bitching is my favourite hobby

I am seriously confused. seriously choked, seriously bluffed. People whom I thought are really close to me are getting weirder, note:is not weird but with an ER. Isn't it weird not to dislike someone? Is really suffocating and depressing suppressing your dislikeness for these people. You just cannot unbottle the hatred, and I don't know why. Maybe my threshold is big enough, maybe the person's too dumb to even notice, maybe i still feel my heart without wearing thermal gloves. Why can't we just hate these people somedays? Why must they exist? And perhaps, their mere existence is just a bane to your own life. My life, for a while, was really free and I was happy til I re-enter the F**King picture. Why do I care? Now, I feel that I am a absolute retard for being concern for the mess, damn it.

I do not know what incurred this wrath in me.
I just wish we can just bitch about people without considering 'how the person feels', you think the person cares? goodness.. with no guilt and maybe even pleasure.
You guys are weak and feeble at this, wearing the 'I am nice/good' tag'.
I rather be mean then be fake.


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